Advice for new artists

‘What is the best advice you would give to an artist who is just beginning?’ was the simple question posed on an artists’ forum last week. Good question. IN FACT great question. One person said ‘RUN!’ That made me laugh once I realised it wasn’t some sort of metaphor for going for it full pelt.

Here’s my answer.

Use lots of paint. Use a wet palette. If you're skint use a limited palette. If you're not skint use a limited palette—you'll learn so much about colour mixing and the restriction will do wonders for your creativity. You don't need a studio to paint—a table in the corner of a room will do. Paint every day. 10 minutes/30 minutes/4 hours—doesn’t matter. Know that it's a process. Love the process. If you love the outcome that's great too. Know that the goalposts will move—your strongest painting to date will not always be your strongest painting. One day you might look at it and think ‘What did I ever see in that?’ That’s fine—it’s a sign that you’re growing. Find a generous supportive community and BE generous and supportive. Get involved. Share. Show up for other artists. Be amazed by the level of empathy, advice and encouragement that’s available to you. You are not alone. Be mindful of your thinking. Know that sometimes you might think thoughts that aren’t true. So don't automatically believe everything you think—you just might be talking nonsense to yourself! If a thought doesn’t support you—use your creativity—create a thought that does—and think that instead! Be kind to yourself. Be your own best friend. Be your own cheerleader. Remember that every artist you admire used to be not quite as good as they are now. They are further along the path than you. But it’s a path—and you are on it too! Be inspired by them. Know what is possible. Expect to develop and grow. Expect to have off days—but turn up and do the work regardless. No one else can bring your art into the world. You don’t need to find your style. Paint—and your style will find you. Make your art and be proud of every wonderfully imperfect unique part of it. Know that your value as a human being is not dependent on what other people think of your art. Know that your value as a human being is not dependent on what YOU think of your art. You are still the same wonderfully imperfect unique human being regardless of how amazing/good/meh you think your art is. Know that not everyone will love your art. Be okay with that. Not being okay with that will not change it so you might as well roll with it. Find things that inspire you—fill your well—feed your passion. Be grateful every day for the opportunity to make art. And remember at the end of the day—it’s just paint!

Good advice eh? I would love to take credit for those words of wisdom but they’re the edited, distilled and concentrated version of all that I learned as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist blended together with all the advice I’ve been given by many generous artists who are further ahead on the creative path than I am. So really this is advice for me as much as for anyone else.

I must remember to heed it!!

Caroline x

'Advice for New Artists' blog post by UK artist Caroline Millar

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